Friday, November 2, 2012

Another classroom website

Here's mine too. I teach a variety of classes so feel free to share!

Suggestions would be great! I am still working on my curriculum, but I use a lot of art 21 theme and videos.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Welcome to AP Art Access

The purpose of the blog is to provide a venue for AP Studio art Teachers to collaborate and share ideas about what is happening in your classroom. I hope that this will be a valuable resource for teachers as we work together to improve what is happening in each of our classrooms. Feel free to share concerns, successes, and ideas.

My classroom Website

Hey I thought I would get on here and post something so here is my classroom website where I put a lot of student work up. Take a look if you would like: 

Also if you have a website I would love to take a look, Either professional or classroom. I am still working on my professional site.
